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108 S. Main St, Three Forks, MT


Echo-quilting Clips

The Echo-quilting Clips are designed to be used with Adjustable Ruler foot # 72 or Ruler foot # 96. The BERNINA Echo-quilting Clips serve as an extension to the sole of the presser foot, letting you adapt the foot for various widths of spacing between the stitched echos when quilting.How to use:The Echo-quilting Clips can be installed by simply pushing the clip up onto the foot. The small lip of the inner circle on the bottom of the clip holds the clip securely in place. The clip fits snuggly around the foot. The Echo-quilting Clips are made of scratchproof and anti-static plastic; therefore, the surface remains scratch and lint free. With the Echo-quilting Clips, quilt around a motif to have it framed. The clips are guided in free-motion or along a plexiglass ruler. This technique is called ‘echo-quilting'. This allows you to easily create decorative quilt patterns, such as ‘crosshatching' or ‘piano keys'. To remove, gently twist the clip while pulling the clip down and the foot out. If necessary, use a flat tool in the slit of the clip to release the foot.Each set includes three Echo-quilting Clips in the following sizes:1x Echo-quilting Clip, radius 0.5 Inch1x Echo-quilting Clip, radius 0.75 Inch1x Echo-quilting Clip, radius 1.0 Inch

Order Today 406-285-6632
  • 406-285-6632
  • 108 Main Street
  • Three Forks, MT 59752
    • Tuesday-Thursday 10-5
      • Friday/Saturday 10-5
    • Sunday 11-4
    Monday By Appointment